With: Maite de Wit (mezzo-soprano) en Anamaria Stamp (piano)
Role: Solo
Programme: music by Handel and Purcell
With: Maite de Wit (mezzo-soprano) en Anamaria Stamp (piano)
Role: Solo
Programme: music by Handel and Purcell
A new cantata composed by Jörn Boysen in the style of J.S. Bach
With: Musica Poetica led by Jörn Boysen
Role: Ensemble and solo
With: Hieronymus Ensemble
Role: Ensemble
Programme: madrigals by Dowland, Morley en Tallis, a.o.
With: Hieronymus Ensemble
Role: Ensemble
Programme: madrigals by i.a. Dowland en Arcadelt
With: Apollo Ensemble led by David Rabinovich
Rol: Arias (Petrus) and ensemble
With: Apollo Ensemble led by David Rabinovich
Rol: Arias (Petrus) and ensemble
With: Apollo Ensemble led by David Rabinovich
Rol: Arias (Petrus) and ensemble
With: Apollo Ensemble led by David Rabinovich
Rol: Arias (Petrus) and ensemble
With: Apollo Ensemble led by David Rabinovich
Rol: Arias (Petrus) and ensemble
With: Collegium Musicum Traiectum conducted by Gilles Michels and Paulien Kostense
Role: Solo